Grandfather Clock Build: The Reveal!

Grandfather Clock Build: The Reveal!

Grandfather Clock Build: The Reveal!

Randy Sharp from Sawdust Inn recently finished his first grandfather clock! It may have took a little longer than Randy had hoped, but he did a fantastic job on one of the most important stages of a clock build…the finishing.

Instead of staining his project, Randy wanted the naturally dark cherry color of the wood to shine through. So he began by sanding all the parts with finer courses of sandpaper, finishing with a hand-sanding to 220 grit paper.

Then he helped the aging process by exposing the clock assembly to the UV rays of direct sunlight. Thanks to two sunny days, the cherry was noticeably darker! Randy then added a generous coat of Boiled Linseed Oil to help move it towards a rich golden brown. Last but not least, he finished it off with three coats of polyurethane for long-lasting protection. As nature takes it course, the clock will eventually reach a rich, deep crimson red.

Here’s a sneak peek of his finished project! See the full reveal here.

Randy Sharp grandfather clock build

September 22, 2015