Find & Flip: Volume 1

Find & Flip: Volume 1
Posted in: DIY Clock Projects

Find & Flip: Volume 1

Whether it be HGTV, TLC, Etsy, or Pinterest, the Do-It-Yourself generation is in full swing, and doesn’t seem to be backing down any time soon. With that in mind, I thought I would give DIY-ing a shot and document my adventures via our Klockit blog. Afterall, what is a better object to DIY than a clock?13123346_10153578903867308_380939493583451196_o-2

Ever since I was little, my mom and I (pictured left with my brother too) would go garage sale shopping on the weekends. We would find anything and everything we could possibly need or want for little-to-no money. Garage sales have always had a special place in my summer routine so I decided to look in my neighborhood to try and find the perfect starting piece for my DIY project.

A couple of weeks back, I had an almost storybook garage sale experience. I had looked in the newspaper, decided what sales I was going to attend, made a map, and set out on my morning of garage sale-ing, only to find nothing. Na-da. Zip. Zilch. Then, on my empty-handed trek home, I drove by a sign on the corner of an intersection. On a whim, I turned the other way and headed to the sale, only to find the cutest little clock (pictured below).


The clock was only ONE dollar! To make it an even better find, I turned the clock over to find that it was a Klockit clock movement and hands! The clock even had a warranty slip stapled to the back with our original logo, as well as a year and a name to go along with the clock (pictured below). I’m not sure if this Mr. Jim Reimer is the gentleman I bought the clock from, but what a find nonetheless!


warranty-backNow the clock itself is not very pretty to look at, so it makes for a perfect first flip. Some paint, numerals, and a new battery will make it a perfect little clock that will hang in my office.

Send me your good crafty vibes as I take on my first DIY flip and stay tuned to see the final product! Also, I’m not sure what I am going to paint the clock, so suggestions are gratefully accepted. What would you do to this clock?

That’s all for now.


June 4, 2016